Stamp duty must be reduced

NSW Planning Minister Rob Stokes has recently broken ranks with his Liberal colleagues and suggested that the federal government should make changes to negative gearing. It’s all part of the Sydney ‘affordability’ debate but it is a reduction in stamp duty which is a much better way to improve affordability. Most studies into negative fearing show that its removal is unlikely to drop property prices by any more than half of one percent, yes just 0.5%.

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On a very low-priced Sydney home at $550,000, the stamp duty payable to the State Government is over $20,000. Ion the same property, it would likely reduce in value by just $2,750 if negative gearing incentives were removed.

Mr Stokes argued that adding new supply to the market would not make property affordable on its own and suggested changing tax benefits for investors should be changed. In our view, it’s a pity Mr Stokes could not do the arithmetic in the last paragraph and then realise that he and his party can actually do something now to assist affordability rather than doing the political usual of putting it in the ‘too hard’ basket then passing the problem off to someone else. Read more :

Property Council of Australia chief of policy and housing Glenn Byres says the $40,000 an average home buyer in Sydney pays on top of their purchase price in stamp duty is a concern. In just four short years, the NSW Government’s stamp duty revenue has doubled from $4 billion to $8 billion. Stamp duty must be reduced if we are to help first home buyers.

If you want to know more about how you can save on stamp duty buying a new property investment contact: