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July 2016

Buying an investment property before the boom

By | best investment, Investment, property cycle, Property Solutions, Research | No Comments

Buying an investment property before the boom

The goal of all property investors is to ensure they are buying an investment property before the boom and not at the very top of a growth cycle.

At Lime Property Solutions, we have always believed that good research is key to ensuring that you are buying your investment property before the boom.

Stick to a selection criteria and buy property before the boom

Stick to a selection criteria and buy property before the boom

We always start with the ‘big picture’ statistics. It is these State by State and city by city statistics and forecasts that will inevitable point us towards the city with the highest probability of being at a point before the boom. Once we have the ‘proof’ of best city, it’s then good to have a very close look at the macro factors of general areas. These include transport links and ease of access and egress, infrastructure growth, educational facilities from child care to university, medical facilities including hospitals, shopping, entertainment, leisure areas such as parks and entertainment centres, infrastructure growth, job growth and population growth just to mention a few.

When we get down to the suburb we research the micro including a suburb’s population growth, its major existing attributes (like a train station or sought-after school), and any plans for change in the short term (like an expanded shopping centre), then drill down to the market trends that will tell you what’s happening right now. Specifically we are looking at very short drive or walk-to facilities including child care, schools, convenience stores, cafes, salons, pools, sports ground, etc.

We do not agree that you should stick to your own home area. While this may give some peace of mind, as an investor you can be missing out for many years on excellent growth opportunities by diversifying to different cities. For example, remember, we had no growth in Sydney between 2003 and 2010/11. In this same period investors in Brisbane saw a 150% increase in house prices and in Perth it was close to 200%.

The research outside of your own area can be done by professionals like Lime Property Solutions; this is exactly the service we provide.

John McGrath has written a very good article on this topic although we believe he is contradicting himself and not helping any investors by suggesting investment in your own back yard only!

Call us at Lime for more information on how you can be buying an investment property before the boom!    Read more:

By | banking, best investment, finance, Home Loans, Mortgage, News | No Comments

The best investment loan is not the cheapest

As interest rates continue to fall and the prediction being they may fall even further next month, many borrowers and investors are considering changing lenders to take advantage of even cheaper rates; the issue that must be considered, particularly for active property investors is that the best investment loan is not the cheapest!

The lowest investment loan is not usually the best for your investment property

The lowest investment loan is not usually the best for your investment property

There are now over 1000 different home loan/investment loan products in the Australian property market and trying to work through them is even trickier than trying to find the best mobile phone plan to suit you.

The three areas we believe a property investor should be concentrating on are:-

  1. Flexibility – a loan that will allow you ‘movement’. If you decide to move house, or borrow some money for renovations or another investment property, or need to reduce your repayments while the kids are at high school a no-frill loan generally won’t have the redraw facility and you need. In particular you will need sub-accounts, some which will be fully tax deductible, and some that will have no tax deductibility.
  1. Interest rate – we are not suggesting that this is not important, it obviously is. However, a good broker nearly always negotiates a very favourable discount from the advertised rates so working through the advertised rates only can be unhelpful.
  1. Off-set accounts – These can be a great feature. Funds deposited in a standard interest bearing account you will probably earn less than 1.5 per cent a year and interest is normally taxable!  However, when you deposit money in an offset account the interest credited should be the same as that charged on the investment or  housing loan.

Your Lime property investment consultant will explain how an investment loan would potentially impact your financial circumstances. Working with a highly experienced property investment Mortgage broker can help you to explore the implications and perhaps structure your loans in a way that your home mortgage may end up being paid off much faster than you ever thought possible. This type of structure is not possible on a very low interest ‘no frills’ loan so The best investment loan is not the cheapest!    Read more :

How many investment properties do I need

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How many investment properties do I need? – Prepare to live for 100 years

A common question from our property investors is “How many investment properties do I need?” A new book now available is suggesting that children born now in western Sydney have a 50% chance of living beyond 105 years! Some really interesting facts and figures in the attached article but the information should not make much difference to how many investment properties you need for a happy, long life. Read on to find out why?

“A life well lived requires careful planning in order to balance the financial and the non-financial, the economic and the psychological, the rational and the emotional. Getting your finances right is essential to 100-year life, but money is far from being the most important resource. Family, friendships, mental health and happiness are all crucial components.

How many investment properties do you need to achieve your goals?

How many investment properties do you need to achieve your goals?

You can’t have a long and financially successful career if your skills, health and relationships are depleted. Similarly, without sound finances, you will not be able to afford the time to invest in those crucial non-financial matters. Getting the balance right is hard in a short life – and while it is more complex in a long life, there are many more opportunities to do so.”

All extracted from today’s article and all making perfect sense to me, so what is the answer to the question “How many investment properties do I need for a comfortable long life”. If this is a question you have pondered then there is a basic misunderstanding of why we buy investment property! A property investment is not an end in itself but a means or the vehicle you use to help achieve your end goal. Your end goal is not the number of property investments you own but the financial goal you have set yourself.

With most people it is sensible to aim for a retirement income of around 75% of your final income. If you can achieve this then retirement should not interfere too much with your current life style and you should have enough discretionary income to purchase the things in life that keep your life interesting. Basically, this means if you are earning $100,000 per annum, then you should be aiming for a retirement income of around $75,000 per annum. If two partners are earning $100K each, then the goal should be around $150,000 per annum joint income. To ensure the income you want, you can use the 20 times rule. This means if you want an income of $100,000 in perpetuity then you should aim for an asset base of 20 x 100,000 = $2,000,000 outside of the value of your family home. Why $2 million you may ask? Well in safe secure investment, we can’t expect much more than 5% of return on average on funds invested. This means if you have $2 million invested securely then you will have an average income of $2 million x 5% = $100,000 for the rest of your life.

So to answer the question of how many investment properties you need, you must look at your financial goal. If your goal is to accumulate $2 million then the number of properties that will achieve this amount all depends on initial value and time in the market. One median-priced Sydney property of $1 million value today will see you with an investment property asset base of $2 million in 10 years time (minus the $1 million of purchase loan you probably still owe). Give Lime property Solutions a call and we can discuss your personal plan and your personal goals in the timeframe you are considering.

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Understanding the property cycle

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Understanding the property cycle – obvious and predictable news as South coast property on the rise as Sydneysiders chase good value

Latest news this weekend tells us that South coast property is on the rise as Sydneysiders chase good value, this is the next obvious step in understanding the property cycle.

The ‘hot’ area for price growth is the South Coast property market. We are told that this market has been dormant for years after the global financial crisis (2008) but now prices in the Shoalhaven area near Nowra and the pristine waters of Jervis Bay are growing faster than Sydney!

The ripple effect sees property price growth in Sydney's outer regions

The ripple effect sees property price growth in Sydney’s outer regions

So let’s just have a look at how this is so predictable in terms of understanding the property cycle.

Anyone who did not realise that up until the end of 2015 Sydney was in a house property price boom must have been living in a country that was not Australia! The ‘boom’ seems to have been going on since around the middle of 2010. Now if you lived in Blacktown in 2012/13, you may have been wondering what the media were talking about when they said Sydney house prices were booming because there was nothing happening in Blacktown!

By the end of 2013 beginning of 2014 all of a sudde3n we are being informed that the highest growth area in Sydney is in the Blacktown area, all of a sudden prices just took off. However, people living in Liverpool and Campbelltown and even Wollongong could only scratch their head when they read that prices in Sydney were ‘booming’ because the price of their home hadn’t really changed much over the last 10 years!

By the beginning of 2015, the hottest growth markets in the Sydney basin were Liverpool and Campbelltown showing double digit growth – to be expected as the ‘ripple effect’ extended to our outer suburbs.

Basically, price growth starts in the centre of our major cities. As the inner suburbs become too expensive, the market ripples out to the middle suburbs. Over a relatively short period of time, these middle suburbs become too expensive so property buyers move out to the outer suburbs.

Today’s article is now informing us that this ripple effect has moved out of the Sydney basin and the greatest growth has now passed Wollongong and has reached the south coast market.

Understanding the property cycle is helpful in assisting the property investor choose the next ‘boom’ are for their next investment property.

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Property Cycle and how it affects first home buyers

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Property Cycle and how it affects first home buyers

We are informed today that “first-home buyers hit lowest level in a decade, price falls ‘needed’”, probably not surprising news particularly if you understand the property cycle and how it affects first home buyers.

Data released on Monday shows that first-home buyers are now at their lowest levels in the last ten years. First-home buyers dropped to just13.9 per cent in May, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. We have questioned before, the accuracy of these figures and perhaps the definition of “first home buyer’ being used by the ABS.

How do the ABS know who is and is not a first home buyer? The obvious and easiest measure of course, is just to look at the number of people claiming the first home buyer’s grant. Our feeling is that these are the figures that are being represented here. Otherwise, how do we know that the $800,000 house or unit being sold in your street is to a first home owner? As the property is not brand new and is over the first home owner’s grant price limit, the new buyers will not be applying for a first home owner’s grant. It would also appear that most first home buyers actually purchase a second hand property and so disqualify themselves from the grant.

Affordability for first time buyers is cyclical

Affordability for first time buyers is cyclical

So, what about the property cycle and how it affects first home buyers? Isn’t it going to be pretty obvious that if house prices are at their highest peak then fewer first home buyers can afford to enter the market? The first home buyer market collapsed in Sydney back in 2004 and didn’t really start to recover until around 2007 or later. This was the few years after the huge 140% rises in the housing market we saw between 1996 and late 2003. At that time, Sydney with a median price of around $510,000 was just seen as totally unaffordable. As time went on, after the GFC we saw the lowest interest rates in living memory, a NSW surge in employment and growth, we saw an average 21% growth in income from 2003 to 2009 resulting in a Sydney property market that was relatively affordable again. We all know what has happened to Sydney property prices since 2010.
Now we are back to the days after the last boom. Property investors are looking outside of Sydney to buy their next property investment and first home buyers find it just too expensive to enter the market. It’s all part of the same continuous cycle.

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Property prices still continue to rise

By | best investment, Economy, Investment, Negative Gearing, News | No Comments

Property prices still continue to rise


If you have been keeping an eye on the value of your property investment portfolio over the last quarter then you’d be quite happy to note that unlike the first quarter of this year, property prices still continue to rise!


It appears that a very long general election, cold and wet weather and the effects of ‘brexit’ were not enough to stop property prices continue to rise over most of our capital cities.


CoreLogic’s monthly house price index indicates that most of the loss that we witnessed in Sydney over the first quarter has been gained again with house price growth of 6.8% in Sydney and about half that in Melbourne.


The further interest in what are already unaffordable markets is being attributed to the   interest rate cut in May  which gave owner occupiers and property investors a little more encouragement to spend more again on property. Another factor that supposedly increased property investment activity was the pre-election fear of losing out on negative gearing if Mr Shorten had ended up forming our new Government.


Domain Group chief economist Andrew Wilson said the Sydney and Melbourne results were not surprising, particularly after a month of strong auction clearance rates,

“Auction clearance rates increased in every capital city [in June] except for Melbourne, which was flat,” Wilson said.

“We would expect to see house price growth following these results.”

Sydney’s auction clearance rate increased to 71.7 per cent over June, compared with 69.2 per cent in May, Domain Group data shows. One year ago, the auction clearance rate was above 80 per cent.​

It is probably worth considering if auction clearance rates in the high 60’s and low 70’s are particularly good, especially when we are looking at a hugely reduced number of auctions in the first place, so maybe these results are a little more surprising than we expected?


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Are you ready for your next property investment?

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Are you ready for your next property investment?

It’s a new financial year, you really need some tax relief, you want to start accumulating wealth for your future and you have decided to buy another investment property, but are you ready for your next property investment?

The first thing you should probably do is test out your borrowing capacity and ensure you have the funds to go ahead to make sure you are ready for your next property investment.

It's a good idea to check your credit rating before applying for your next property investment loan

It’s a good idea to check your credit rating before applying for your next property investment loan

It is surprising that only 29% of Australians have ever checked their credit rating and yet it is possible to do this free of charge once every year.

It is also surprising, as we have seen with a couple of clients in the last year, that your credit rating may be a lot worse than you imagined, simply because you have been managing your finances too well! Your credit rating can be affected simply by considering a change to loans, looking for new loans and switching loan providers. It would seem that the credit rating system views people who are often changing loan providers or credit cards as ‘high risk’ as they may be constantly changing because they are under financial presure to pay their bills. Very often people are changing just to manage their financial position better and have had no problems or late payments at all and yet their credit score is being lowered.

It is also surprising for some to find out that a small problem they had a few years ago and which has been forgotten about after it was cleared up, still have this period reflected in their credit rating.

Sylvia Pennington of the SMH gives us five tips to ensure we use this new financial year to clear up any problems we may have with credit rating agencies. It’s always possible that something may be on your credit record that should not be there and you can appeal. So follow the tips below and ensure that you are ready to buy that next investment property.

Tips for a glowing report

Credit reporting agencies, including Veda, Dun and Bradstreet and Experian, offer consumers a free copy of their credit report every year. Here are some tips to keep yours healthy.

  1. Check your record for defaults and pay any outstanding debts.
  2. If personal data or debts are incorrectly listed, contact the credit agency and the creditor to have them amended or removed.
  3. Establish direct debits to ensure your bills and loan repayments are on time.
  4. Don’t make unnecessary applications for credit – too many inquiries in a short period can indicate you’re in financial distress and send your credit score south.
  5. Prevent debts becoming defaults by alerting creditors early if you’re having trouble making payments.

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Use selection criteria for property investment

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Use selection criteria for property investment

Most people will use selection criteria for property investment. There are the very obvious attributes that most property investors will consider and then there are some that may often be overlooked or not considered.

The first thing to cross a new property investors mind is probably one of the most important, where will I buy? The answer will depend a lot on the property investor’s knowledge and experience in firstly choosing the current ” best” city for investment be it Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Perth.

The next question may well be the type of property to purchase as an investment property be it a unit, townhouse or house and land. We would always make this decision based on the most popular type of property in the area for property investors and owner/occupiers. For example, if you are purchasing your investment property near a CBD, then the obvious ‘type’ is a one or two bedroom unit. If you are purchasing a property investment in the outer suburbs of a major city, then house and land will probably be the best property investment.

Other issues to consider are the micro (near to) facilities and the macro (ten minute drive away) facilities. Look at a selection criteria for your property investment and you should be considering everything from local cafes, child care centres, convenience stores and hairdresser’s to major hospitals, transport links, universities and schools.

One issue is highlighted in the media this weekend that many do not pay enough attention too; the suburbs where almost every home is an investment property! While this is not always a bad thing, it can increase the risk quite considerably on your property investment.


CoreLogic’s Profile of the Australian residential property investor report has stated that there are now 2.6 million investment properties around Australia. In some suburbs, almost all the homes are investment properties, including some of Sydney and Melbourne’s inner-most property hotspots.

Property investors tend to dominated around typically strong rental market areas, such as inner-city locations near hospitals and universities. Ultimo, which topped Sydney’s list of property investor dominated suburbs actually recorded a massive 99.8 per cent of apartments in the hands of investors.

Angie Zigomanis​, BIS Shrapnel senior manager of residential identifies some of the potential problems of property investment in suburbs with extremely high property investor ownership.

“One of the problems of having a high proportion of investors in one area is more volatility in the market.

Where an owner occupier would attempt to batten down the hatches in times of financial difficulty, investors could respond by putting the property up for sale.

Investment properties are a discretionary purchase to some extent, and if times got harder they’re the properties that would be the first to go,” Mr Zigomanis said.

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