Investment Property in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth

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$25,000+            Cashflow positive

Property investment income cash flow, tax relief, rental yield


Cash flow  investment property income

Most People can afford an investment property. The funding comes from the cash flow of the investment

Most People can afford an investment property. The funding comes from the cash flow from your investment property income

Can I Afford It?

It’s the cash flow and income from your investment property that makes property investment so easy to achieve for most average-earning Australians.

On an average $450,000 investment in the right area at the right time, you should anticipate a rental income of around $23,400 per annum. With depreciation, an average earner paying 32.5c in the dollar tax, should receive a minimum of $5000 per year back from the tax man.

Now ask yourself the question…

“With this “extra” $27,000 plus coming in each year, can I afford an investment property?”

If the answer is still “No”, maybe you should consider this question…

“Am I happy to continue paying an additional $50,000 plus in tax
over the next 10 years instead of investing in my family’s future?”

Many of our successful clients came to us with no experience, little money, and even less of a clue how to get started in property investment.

But if you have a household income upwards of $80,000 then you are more than likely ready to start building your property portfolio. All your doubts and questions can be answered in a free consultation or for some excellent further information now, have a look at our frequently asked questions page (FAQ’s).

Further information and FAQs click here

Property in Superannuation

Since 2008, some of our clients have taken advantage of the Government’s  changes to Self Managed Superannuation Funds. Most people are now aware that is now possible for your superannuation fund to borrow money to purchase residential property inside a self-manged super fund.